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Suicide & deliberate self harm

Suicide & deliberate self harm

Suicide & deliberate self harm

  • Life Cover & TPD – we will not be able to offer cover for any thoughts or attempts of suicide and deliberate self harm
  • Critical Illness cover – HSBC will either offer standard rate decisions or be unable to provide a quote for any thoughts of suicide and deliberate self harm
  • Critical Illness cover – HSBC will be unable to provide a quote for any attempts of suicide and deliberate self harm.

The outcome will then depend on their date of diagnosis, associated mental health, treatment and whether discharged from review or further investigations.

This is a general guide and is not a guarantee of acceptance.

ExampleScenario (Assumes BMI within normal limits, no to all other questions not specified and within maximum for sum assured and age limits)Life CoverCritical Illness CoverTPD Cover
1Had thoughts of self harm 5 years ago, but no actual self harm; isolated event; no associated mental health symptoms or diagnosis.Terms wouldn’t be offeredStandardTerms wouldn’t be offered
2Had thoughts of self harm 5 years ago, but no actual self harm; isolated event; history of treatment for anxiety.Terms wouldn’t be offeredTerms wouldn’t be offeredTerms wouldn’t be offered