Technical centre
Making the complex – simple
This is the place to find out more about arranging protection advice, as well as some of the more complex, associated issues such as trusts and estate planning.
This is the place to find out more about arranging protection advice, as well as some of the more complex, associated issues such as trusts and estate planning.
This is the place to find out more about arranging protection advice, as well as some of the more complex, associated issues such as trusts and estate planning.
Watch our video to find out all you need to know to get started
To arrange life protection and critical illness with us you will need to open an agency and register to use HSBC Access – your online adviser portal. Your local Business Development Manager (BDM) will help you through the process
You can quote – from Iress The Exchange, iPipeline, Webline or UnderwriteMe
You can submit an application from Iress The Exchange, Webline, UnderwriteMe or retrieve applications in progress from HSBC Access – your online adviser portal
Watch our video to find out all you need to know to get started
Watch our video for our guide to making the most of the Adviser Portal for managing your business
You might want to share this video at the protection application stage to help you explain to your clients the importance of giving truthful and accurate answers, and how to avoid common pitfalls.
You can service your clients using HSBC Access – your online adviser portal
Helping your clients make a claim is easy
At HSBC Life we know we can only succeed with you by our side. This is why we’re committed to supporting Advisers in every way we can.