If you, your family, or loved ones need to make a claim, get in touch with us and we’ll make sure it’s handled quickly and sensitively.
STEP 1: To make a claim on Life, Critical Illness or Waiver of Premium, please contact us using one of the contact points below.
To speed up the process, you can download a form using the links below. Please complete and return by email or post.
HSBC Life Claim Form
HSBC Critical Illness Claim Form
STEP 2: You will be contacted within 3 working days to sign a digital Consent Form, using Adobe Sign.
STEP 3: We’ll request the following relevant documents to assess the claim in line with the Terms and Conditions. Your Personal Claims Adviser will keep you updated by phone.
Critical Illness
Life Insurance
Waiver of Premium
Please contact us using one of the contact points below.
Here’s how to get in touch